The Class 11 Gradesheet sample for Class 11 student who attended their grade increment examination has been released by NEB. According to Nepal Examination Board (NEB), students who are not satisfied with their class 11 result and have got Grade C or lower they can attend the grade increment exam. Due to the Covid-19, all the responsibility for the examination of Class 11 Grade Increment has been given to respective school & college. However, they have to follow the given sample format while providing the final gradesheet to the students.
How is the Final Gradesheet of Class 11 Grade Increment Look Like?
As we have obseved the sample of the final gradesheet given by NEB, the only difference is, under the column REMARKS , the school or college have to put # symbol for which the student have attended the grade increment exam for and input the grades accordingly in FINAL GRADE field.
NEB official notice for Grade Increment Examination Grade Sheet Sample [link]

Class 11 Gradesheet Sample

No, the symbol number that you have for regular examination will be used. So, the symbol no. remains the same
Due to Covid-19, NEB has given full responsibilities for respective schools & colleges to take the examination in their own schools and colleges.
GPA Score Sheet
GRADE | Percentage |
A+ | 90-100 |
A | 80 to below 90 |
B+ | 70 to below 80 |
B | 60 to below 70 |
C+ | 50 to below 60 |
C | 40 to below 50 |
D+ | 30 to below 40 |
D | 20 to below 30 |
E | below 20 |