SEE Exam 2080 B.S. is officially published. You can check your Class 10 Result of Nepal below:
Check SEE Result with Marksheet Online. SEE Result 2081 is scheduled to get published on 27th June 2024. We provide you with an alternative way to check SEE Result other than Please check the following methods below to check your Class 10 SEE Exam Result.
SEE RESULT UPDATES: Click here to know more
Recommended Topic: Check NEB Result with Grade Sheet
Check Your SEE Result with Marksheet Online Below:
Importance of SEE Examination in Nepal
SEE (Secondary Education Examinations) which was called SLC (School Leaving Certificate) previously termed Iron Gate. Moreover, the percentage and division system has been changed to Grade. The grading system is newly implemented to increase the chances of getting higher education to the students.
Only after getting through SEE Examinations, Students can go through higher education. Therefore, it is a very important phase for Grade 10 students to shape their future careers. As the Grading system was implemented by the National Examination Board (NEB) no students will be marked as ‘fail’ which means there will be an increase in the literacy percentage of Nepal. But to qualify for good higher education in Nepal, students must score D+ i.e. 30-40%. We will discuss in detail how the grading system works later on.
There are two types of results in SEE – Regular and Compart(Supplementary). We will provide detailed information about different ways to check the SEE Regular examination result and SEE Compartment Examination Result.
When SEE was called SLC, students had a very hard way to get their results. They had to go through Gorkhapatra (Newspaper) and check if their Symbol number was included or not. It was very hard stuff to do. But these days, Class 10 Students can easily view SEE Results online or by using mobile phones.
SEE Result Grades and Percentage
Below is a detailed elaboration of the Grading System along with what they mean with their respective percentage.
The National Examination Board is taking responsibility for conducting the SEE Examination every year. But this year, it might be challenging for them as the country is divided into seven provinces. So, they had to decentralize the examination system.
Name Examination Board | National Examination Board (NEB) |
Organization Address | Sanothimi, Bhaktapur |
Result Name | SEE Result 2081 |
Result Year | 2081 B.S. (2024 A.D) |
Examination Date and Year | 15th to 27th Chaitra 2080 |
Result Date | 13 Ashad 2081 B.S (27th June 2024) Morning Time |
Link | SEE Result with marksheet |
Official Website | |
GPA Points Meaning and Percentage
SN | Interval in Percent | Grade | Description | Grade Point |
1 | 90 to 100 | A+ | Outstanding | 4.0 |
2 | 80 to below 90 | A | Excellent | 3.6 |
3 | 70 to below 80 | B+ | Very Good | 3.2 |
4 | 60 to below 70 | B | Good | 2.8 |
5 | 50 to below 60 | C+ | Satisfactory | 2.4 |
6 | 40 to below 50 | C | Acceptable | 2.0 |
7 | 30 to below 40 | D+ | Partially Acceptable | 1.6 |
8 | 20 to below 30 | D | Insufficient | 1.2 |
9 | 0 to below 20 | E | Very Insufficient | 0.8 |
SEE Result 2080/2081 in Nepal
As previously mentioned SEE is known as Iron Gate for the students. If we analyze the previous year, when the Grading System was not implemented, the number or percentage of students getting through the Iron Gate was very low due to which the Nepal government changed it into Grading System.
The new Grade System is better and has helped in increasing the percentage of the students getting pass which has helped them to attend higher education. Since it is a grading system, no student will fail, rather they will be given Grades accordingly. The highest Grade is A+ and E is the lowest.
After attending the SEE Examination, students get excited to know when will their results be published. However, students have to wait 45-60 days for their results to get officially published. Generally, the SEE Examination takes place in the month of Chaitra every year and the result will be out in Ashadh.
Checking SEE Results is very easy, when there is an announcement by NEB about the publication of SEE results, you can easily perform your SEE Check below.
We include Student’s Grades as well while you Check SEE Results using the above form.
How to Check SEE Result 2080/2081 Nepal?
Different ways and methods are available to check the SEE/SLC result. Here are some trusty and accurate ways you can ultimately check your results. Below is the step-by-step tutorial that can be implemented by the students to get their SEE Result 2079 2080. Hope it will finally help to answer your queries.
Generally, SEE Result 2079 can be checked online or through SMS. When checked online, you can view your GPA score along with your mark sheet (grade sheet). If you want you can print out a copy of your Grade sheet and take it with you while applying for higher education.
To view obtained marks in the Grading system, you should provide your Symbol number along with your Date of Birth.
SEE Result Online with Grades
Well, it was that time when students had to wait for Gorkhapatra to see their results but these days, within seconds you can view your examination results. There is an option to see your result in a Newspaper as well but it is a time-consuming and irritating task to perform. Also, there is another option of SMS, which will instantly tell your Grades after you follow our tutorial.
Although there are lots of methods and information, this one is the most reliable and trustworthy of all. Simply go to the official government website which provides SEE results. It’s very easy & simple. Some of the websites which we think are trustworthy are listed below:
Method to check SEE Result Online:
One of the best and most trustworthy websites to view SEE Results is NTC.
Simply open the website of NTC:
Then enter your Symbol no along with your Date of birth as guided.
Click on Submit Button
That’s it, you will now be able to see your grade 10 result.
Also, there is an alternate website for NTC too.
Open Enter your symbol Number and click on the Submit button. You will be able to view your Results on your screen. Hope it has helped you to clear all the dilemmas that you were facing and like to wish everybody ‘Best of Luck for the Result’.
Some other Website claims to Publish the Result too.
Check Your SEE Result is the official website to check your SEE Exam result. To check the SEE Result, simply you have to enter your Symbol number along with the alphabet. Also, if you want to check your complete GPA score and mark sheet then you should perform one more step i.e. you have to enter your Date of Birth in the form in B.S. (Bikram Sambad).
SEE Result using SMS
Yes, nowadays, you can even check your results using mobile SMS. Generally, two methods can be followed which are as follows:
For Nepal Telecom Users (NTC), you can simply go to your message box and type SEESymbol no including alphabet and send it to 1600
For Ncell (Mero Mobile) users, go to the message box and type SEESymbol no including alphabet and send it to 8080

Land Line Users:
Dial 1600 and follow the instruction

NTC OR Ncell Users:
Type SEE<space><symbol Number> and send it to 1600
Example :- Type SEE 012345678A
& send it to 1600
Another number to Send SMS to:
If you want to use the other way around, then type SEESymbol no. with the alphabet and send it to 1600. This can be done in both network providers NTC and NCELL.
The only disadvantage of SMS Result Checking is, that you will not be able to get a detailed mark sheet or grade sheet as it will only display a GPA score for you. Regardless, if you have no internet connection or the online website crashed, then you can use this method to at least know your Grades.
Video Tutorial for Checking SEE Results Using SMS
Check SEE Result on Landline phone
Although it’s the age of mobile phones, most of the family have at least one landline phone at their house. So, there is a way for you to get your results using it. Simply, dial 1600 and follow the instructions. This method is most suitable when you don’t have enough balance on your mobile phone for SMS or no internet connection. This is a quick way to know your results.
SEE Supplementary Result 2080
Similar to SEE regular Result, you can get SEE compared Result 2080 from SMS.
Below is some quick way guidance on obtaining SEE Compart Result 2080
SEE Supplementary also called Compart result is available in the grading system as well. The process to check the result is very similar to the SEE regular exam result.
Students who are absent or dissatisfied or want to upgrade their grades can take part in SEE Supplementary Examination 2079
We have discussed in detail different methods and ways to check the result. If you need further information or guidance or have any confusion, you can email us or comment below about your dilemma, we will try to solve it as soon as possible.
SEE Supplementary result 2079 is taken when students think their grades are below what they had expected. So, to increase their grades, students attend the SEE Supplementary examination.
Likewise, NEB will publish or announce the publication of the SEE supplementary examination routine which will be published here on this page.
History of SEE or SLC in Nepal
SLC also referred to as School Leaving Certificate is one of the most important phases of Nepalese student life. It’s also termed as “Iron Gate”. SLC is the final examination for secondary-level students (10th graders). The future career of a student is determined through the marks and hard work that is shown by the student in the SEE exam. Therefore, it’s considered one of the most important phases of Nepalese Student Life.
What is the full form of SEE?
SEE Stands for the Secondary Education Examination.
What is the Full Form of GPA?
GPA stands for Grade Point Average
How Can I download my SEE Result Marksheet?
Yes, you can download or print your SEE Result Marksheet after you fill up the form here.
Resut kab tak aayega ,Dear Sir
Result will get published today evening. Good Luck
Result kab auxa
Result is already published..
Why my results is no yet shown..!
its still not published!!.. stay tune, we will update as soon as its published