NEB published new class 12 exam routine 2078 yesterday. Here we have included the latest and updated version of NEB Exam Routine 2078 for Grade XII in pdf file which you can download accordingly. +2 examination of year 2078 starts from Shrawan 31 2078 which starts at 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
class 12 exam routine
Class 12 Routine 2078 | NEB Exam Routine 2078 Grade 12 Download Now

NEB (National Examination Board) published class 12 routine 2078 B.S. You can download NEB Exam Routine 2078 Class 12 below in pdf file. Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur made the initial announcement for the publication of Class 12 2078 Exam Routine. Grade 12 Exam will be conducted for all faculties: Science, Management, Humanities including Music, Fine Arts and Sanskrit. The examination of Grade XII starts from 2078/02/26 at 8:00 am in the morning.